In honor of the wounded, lost
and families of Littleton Colorado.
~Now I lay me down to sleep....
I've read some moving poems for our Children of Littleton, I would like to thank author, A.C.Ayers-Stanley; for the kind link.. and thanks Sue for sharing.
Personal Thoughts from ~Rexy
It is my hope that we return to something that seems to have been lost in our lives today; instilling in our children that they are loved, respected, and proudly held in our hearts.
Give it.... Live it... and please pass it along to all of the children!
Click on the banner below for the index of a few ~For All The Children~ graphics. There are backgrounds, banners, stamps and gifs. As time goes on, the graphics found on this page will be inspirational and uplifting children of joy.
Please do not alter or change my graphics, but you are welcome to add this ONE page to any collection, I do not even request a link back to my site...but you may if you'd like. Just please, please... Give it.... Live it... and pass it along to all of the children.
These few graphics are dedicated to all the Children in all of the World, and were inspired from the tragedy in Littleton, Colorado; and all of the violence and evil against our children.
With Love,
© ~Rexy 1999
I pray the lord; this child to keep.
But if I'm gunned down before lunchbreak,
Please Dear God... ease my family's heartache.~
No Tears
The Angels Cried
For The Love of Columbine High
And They Answered God's Call
The ~Haunting~ Angels of Littleton
Go Gently
April 24, 1999